About Me

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Experienced Web Developer using C#, ASP Classic (VBScript) and ASP.NET, MySQL, T-SQL, and other SQL variants, JavaScript (W3Schools Certified and very well versed in jQuery and learning Dojo), and XML. Heavy interest in JavaScript, framework creation on various language platforms, and keeping up with the best industry-accepted practices.

Friday, January 15, 2010

JavaScript console

At my company, I am required to support different browsers because a lot of employees here like to use their preferred browser; we support IE6+, FF2+, and Chrome. Let me start by saying I love Chrome and I love FireFox. They both have different aspects about them that are amazing.

I love Chrome because it's just really good quality. Google has never really produced any bad products to my knowledge. They're always working to be on the cutting edge and they do a damn good job at it. The V8 engine in Chrome is fan-effing-tastic.

Firefox is a well-rounded browser that has the ability to be customized out the ying-yang. It's Firebug plugin is absolutely amazing. There are also some other plugins I use that are really cool.

One thing that make Chrome and Firefox even better is the fact that they both adhere to web standards! What a concept, right? Haha.

Another thing I love about them is the fact that they have a JavaScript console, which has proved to be a priceless commodity.

IE, however, does not...unless you install something like debugbar (which is a very heavy IE plugin).

I took some time and actually created a console (written completely in JavaScript) that works across all browsers. I can throw different commands at the console, and even have a mode set up to take and interpret JavaScript commands. I use this console in a newer application I'm going to release as an actual event log for my app. It's pretty light weight, and I have added the ability for it to email my team a timestamped log of all events/responses from the application.

I have it self-truncating at 500 rows currently, just to ensure the log doesn't get overly massive.

I just bought my own website (www.matthewcmaxwell.com) and will be setting that up in the near future. When I do, I'll be putting my JavaScript console up there for you to download and try out.

Here's a small pic (bad quality, I know)

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